
class zonis.Client[source]#

Bases: RouteHandler

  • reconnect_attempt_count (int) – The number of times that the Client should attempt to reconnect.

  • url (str) – Defaults to ws://localhost.

  • port (Optional[int]) – The port that the Client should use.

async block_until_closed()[source]#

A blocking call which releases when the WS closes.

async start() None[source]#

Start the IPC client.

async close() None[source]#

Stop the IPC client.

async request(route: str, **kwargs)[source]#

Make a request to the server

load_routes() None#

Loads all decorated routes.

register_class_instance_for_routes(instance, *routes) None#

Register a class instance for the given route.

When you turn a method on a class into an IPC route, you need to call this method with the instance of the class to use as well as the names of the routes for registration to work correctly.

  • instance – The class instance the methods live on

  • routes – A list of strings representing the names of the IPC routes for this class.

route(route_name: Optional[str] = None)#

Turn an async function into a valid IPC route.


route_name (Optional[str]) – An optional name for this IPC route, defaults to the name of the function.


DuplicateRoute – A route with this name already exists


If this is a method on a class, you will also need to use the register_class_instance_for_routes method for this to work as an IPC route.